Package cad.simcad.maps

Class Summary
BreachedCellGroup This class represents a group of adjacent cells This class is used to modelize objects that are bigger than just one cell.
Cell Describe a Cell units relative to a map See CellPath for Pathing attributes
CellGroup A CellGroup is a set of cell
CellMap implementing class for the AbstractMap interface This class is abstract This class family is PathFindable, that is we can find a path on it This implementation represents a point on the Map with a Cell Object
CellRectangle a Group of cells forming a rectangular shape This is a subclass of CellGroup
ClassicCellMap Map where cells at the top and bottom of viewable portion are not adjacent Map where cells at the right and left of viewable portion are not adjacent Conclusion : It is a chessboard map
HorCircularCellMap Map where cells at the right and left of a viewable portion of the map are adjacent
Region A Set of atomic cells of the same region type Any cell in a region can be reached by another cell "a vol d'oiseau"
SphericalCellMap Not implemented
TestMap Test for Map packages
ToroidalCellMap Map where cells at the top and bottom of viewable portion are adjacent Map where cells at the right and left of viewable portion are adjacent Conclusion : It is not an earth like map
VerCircularCellMap Map where cells at the top and bottom of viewable portion are adjacent


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